moc | | Curses based console audio player |
moodbar | | Audio timeline visualization |
mp3_check | | File checker for mp3 files |
mp32ogg | | Convert MP3 files to Ogg Vorbis files |
mp3asm | | MPEG 1/2/2.5 audio layer 1,2,3 frame level editor |
mp3blaster | | MP3 console curses-based player |
mp3check | | Check MP3 files for consistency |
mp3cut | | Tools to concatenate and split MP3 files |
mp3diags | | MP3 diagnosis tool and tag editor |
mp3gain | | Loudness normalizer for MP3 files |
mp3info | | MP3 header and tag information tool |
mp3splt | | Command line utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files |
mp3splt-gtk | | Utility to split MP3 (VBR supported) and OGG files |
mp3to | | Convert MP3 files to various other audio formats |
mp3val | | Checker for mp3 |
mp3wrap | | Tool to wrap mp3 files into a large one |
mpc | | Command-line client for musicpd |
mpdas | | AudioScrobbler client for MPD written in C++ |
mpegaudio | | MPEG/audio Layer 1 and Layer 2 encoder/decoder package |
mpg123 | | MPEG layer 1, 2, and 3 audio player |
mpg123-jack | | Contains the jack module for mpg123 |
mpg123-nas | | Contains the nas module for mpg123 |
mpg123-pulse | | Contains the pulse module for mpg123 |
mpg321 | | Free replacement for mpg123 |
mpgtx (V) | | Split and join MPEG files in various ways |
mppenc | | Musepack encoder |
mserv | | Local centralised music server environment |
mserv-devel | | Local centralised music server environment |
mserv-php (V) | | Quick web interface to mserv audio jukebox |
mstream | | Mserv player package to queue tracks to IceS |
mt-daapd | | Server for DAAP (iTunes) |
muse | | Multiple Streaming Engine |
musepack | | MPEG-Plus and MusePack decoder (V8) |
musescore | | Music notation and composition software |
musicpd | | Remote controllable audio player |
nas | | Network Audio System |
nas-auscope | | Network Audio System Protocol Filter |
ncmpc | | Fully featured musicpd client using curses |
ncmpcpp | | Featureful (n)curses based musicpd client inspired by ncmpc |
ncspot | | Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust |
nicotine+ (V) | | Client for the SoulSeek, a peer-to-peer network for music |
normalize | | Audio file volume normalizer (wav,mp3,ogg) |
nosefart | | Player for NES Sound Format (NSF) files |
nspmod | | MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does its own DSP, uses VoxWare v2.90+ |
ocp | | Music visualizer for tracker music (TUI version) |
oggasm | | Perform batch conversion of mp3s into oggs |
open_jtalk | | Japanese text-to-speech system |
open_jtalk-HTS_voice | | NIT ATR503 M001 Japanese speech database (male) |
open_jtalk-MMDAgent_voice | | Open JTalk voice data from MMDAgent project (female and male) |
openal-soft | | Software implementation of the OpenAL 3D audio API |
opencore-amr | | Adaptive Multi-Rate speech codec libraries |
opus-tools | | Opus encode, inspect, and decode command-line tools |
opusfile | | Decoding and seeking API for opus files |
ossinfo | | Command line program to display OSSv4 device information |
ossmix | | Command line audio mixer from OSSv4 |
ossplay | | Command line programs for playing/recording from OSSv4 devices |
osstest | | Command line program for testing OSSv4 sound devices |
ossxmix | | Audio mixer GUI from OSSv4 |
p5-Audio-CD | | Audio-CD perl module for use with disc-cover |
p5-Audio-Scan | | XS parser for MP3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, etc |
p5-Audio-Wav | | Perl modules for reading & writing Microsoft WAV files |
p5-CDDB | | High-level interface to the Compact Disc Database |
p5-CDDB_get | | Perl interface to query for CDDB information |
p5-CDDB-File | | Parses a CDDB/freedb data file |
p5-MP3-Info | | Manipulate/fetch info from MP3 audio files |
p5-MP3-Tag | | This is a perl module to read/write tags of mp3-files |
p5-MPEG-Audio-Frame | | Class for weeding out MPEG audio frames out of a file handle |
p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID | | Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library |
parlatype | | GNOME audio player for transcription |
pavucontrol | | Volume control tool (mixer) for the PulseAudio sound server |
pavucontrol-qt | | Pulseaudio mixer implemented in Qt |
pcaudiolib | | Provides a C API to different audio devices |
pd | | Real-time graphical programming environment for audio+video |
pianobar | | Console client for Pandora |
picard | | Audio file tagger |
playitslowly | | Play back audio files at a different speed or pitch |
pocketsphinx | | CMUSphinx speech recognition C library |
portaudio | | Portable cross-platform audio API |
pragha | | Lightweight music player based on GTK and SQLite |
pt2-clone | | ProTracker 2 clone |
puddletag | | Simple, powerful audio tag editor |
pulseaudio | | Sound server for POSIX and Win32 systems |
py-acoustid | | Audio fingerprinting |
py-ao | | Python bindings for libao |
py-audio | | Python bindings for PortAudio |
py-audioread | | Audio file decoder |
py-beets | | Music geek's media organizer |
py-cddb | | Python module to access the CDDB online database |
py-daap | | Python binding for DAAP |
py-discid | | Python binding of libdiscid |
py-discogs-client | | Python Client for the Discogs API |
py-django-audiofield (V) | | Allows audio file upload and conversion to mp3, wav and ogg format |
py-dynampd | | Dynamic playlist generator for MPD |
py-hsaudiotag3k | | Read metdata (tags) of mp3, mp4, wma, ogg, flac and aiff files |
py-id3 | | Python module to manipulate ID3 tags in MP3 files |
py-id3lib | | Python module for editing ID3v2 tags of MP3 audio files |
py-last | | Python interface to and |
py-libmapper (V) | | Python bindings for libmapper |
py-libmpdclient2 (V) | | Python bindings to the mpd access library |
py-librosa (V) | | Python module for audio and music processing |
mk | | Subfolder |